Holistic Equine
Where good horse care is a way of life
We are part of Holistic Reflections CIC, a 100% non-profit organisation.
We exist to facilitate the CIC objects which are to carry on activities which benefit the wider community and in particular (without limitation) to provide services, events and products which promote well-being, performance and lasting resilience in people and horses in Cumbria and the surrounding area. We also promote environmentally sensitive equine management systems which benefit the wider community and advance the quality of life of domestic horses. In addition, we preserve and maintain a registered monument for the benefit of all.

We transform the lives of people and horse by finding the best solutions to prevent or maintain optimum well-being and resilience

To build a world where compassion, oneness and wellness is commonplace and harmony exists between people, animals and the land.
It is the mission of Holistic Reflections to improve well being and build resilience by working holistically with people, animals and the land!
This is done by providing a healing environment for animals and people where they deliver services, products and events which have or promote therapeutic and wider environmental benefits. We also demonstrate and educate on ways in which people can support their own wellness and in animals in their care too. This is done by providing opportunities in a healing setting which allow for new understanding about themselves. This realization allows for a new way of being to unfold. From this new perspective comes well-being and lasting resilience to dis-ease and compassion.
Be Compassionate - without compromise as all living things deserve it.
Have Integrity - in all we do and in the best interest of people, animals and the environment
Collaborate - and co-operate with others and value people to achieve oneness together
Be Committed - in promoting oneness and take disciplined risks in achieving this
Be inspiring - and encourage individuals to find their own path to wellness and oneness
Make a difference - to the people, animals, environment and communities we serve
we feel we are all connected - to each other, to the animals and living things around us and therefore to the planet and wider universe. we want to connect with others personally and professionally who can help us achieve our mission
we wish to awaken an awareness in others that helps them experience this connection
we feel a balanced life is a happier life and one which promotes longevity and wellness we believe balanced is achieved by experiencing the connection to others and the universe we trust our services help to achieve balance physically, spiritually and emotionally
Evolve we have faith in the constant evolution of mankind within the universe and this evolution facilitates longevity, health and happiness we seek to evolve our own education. health and spirituality to inspire all we connect with we have confidence in our ability to facilitate our clients’ evolution in their desire for a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life, every day and without prejudice
Like the butterfly effect, compassion spreads and the entire community can benefit from one person deciding to change their perspective! That's the beauty of humans - we have the ability to change our perspective and become better versions of ourselves and for the benefit of all mankind.

How to support us
You can support us by purchasing and benefitting from from our services, events and resources. We also welcome volunteers to assist with caring for the horses and the centre and via donation of consumables, materials and pledging via PayPal.
We use every penny to create a sustainable non-profit organisation which is both resilient and of value to the community - both local and global!

"by supporting people and animals with kindness and compassion, we facilitate the transition to expand into a new way of being.."
Beccy - CEO and founder

Holistic Equine Team
Beccy Smith
Team leader, equine podiatrist barefoot trimmer, equine body worker, therapist and healer.
Beccy has over 25 years equine industry experience and is a highly proficient and respected holistic equine podiatrist. She is a qualified Applied Equine Podiatrist, SCENAR therapist and Equine Sports Massage therapist. She is also a qualified BHS groom and has an honours degree in Equine Technology and Business and is a qualified healer. She is passionate about helping horses lead a better quality of life.
Val Bell
Complementary therapist, counsellor and spiritual healer.
Val has over 40 years experience as a nurse and for the last 30 years has been learning, teaching and performing a range of complementary therapies. Val is a competent energy healer and her specialties are SCENAR and Reiki. Val is passionate about growing and cooking healthy plant based food and loves to be outdoors and to experience different cultures.
Yewcroft Herd
Our herd of horses drive us to be better versions of ourselves each and every day.
Horses teach us to be compassionate, sensitive yet strong team members. Our herd of horses are no different and they have helped us evolve into the healers we are today. In addition, their own health challenges and sensitivities have made us aware of diseases prevalent not only in the equine world but in our world and our pets' world too.

Where it started
Beccy and Val have always wanted to help people and animals. Val choose a nursing career and Beccy; an equine career. It wasn’t until they came together professionally to open an equine rehabilitation centre in East Yorkshire in 2004 (Equilux Livery Ltd). However that they came to the realisation that a strictly conventional approach to helping horses didn’t always work best for the horses or the owners.
At this time, Val was already an established complementary and holistic therapist and had left her own part-time practice in Whitehaven to join Beccy in Yorkshire. When they and their horses started to get sick because of the toxic environment they were living in, they took a holistic approach to horse care and both retrained as wellness coaches with the intention of helping both horses and people.
So what happened?
After selling the business in 2006 and driven by her own mystery illness and that of their herd, Beccy started her journey of discovery which led her to become one of the leading holistic equine consultants in the country. Between 2006 and 2014, Beccy became a qualified Equine Body Worker, an Applied Equine Podiatrist and took many courses to deepen her knowledge and understanding of horses and the challenges owners faced in returning health in their horses. In 2009, Holistic Equine was born and Beccy’s reputation soon grew as large as her practice.

Working together to support horses
During this time, Beccy and Val also realised their herd were grass intolerant. The idea of horses being unable to graze seemed laughable by the wider equine community and most vets thought our theories were ridiculous. Beccy forged professional relationships with vets, trainers, therapists, saddle fitters, and nutritionists; including forward thinking holistic vet Roger Meacock, Think Like a Pony founder Lyn Henry and Dr Debbie Carley of Thunderbrook Equestrian. By connecting with other like minded individuals, Beccy soon learned the key to returning health to horses was to provide an appropriate environment and support the horses own innate ability to heal.
Constant evolution and a new start
In 2014, Beccy and Val along with the whole 2 and 4-legged family decided to return to their roots in West Cumbria where agricultural crop spraying was rare. The horses were once more able to graze and live a more natural life. In 2015 Beccy joined her husband Mark in their orthotics manufacturing business and until 2018, the equine business took a back seat. Beccy and Val continued to develop their healing skills however and focused on their own spiritual growth and development. In 2018 they decided it was time to evolve the business and Holistic Reflections was born! Beccy and Val continue to focus on deepening their understanding on facilitating healing and evolution in people and animals.