About Our Online Courses
New courses already launched in 2024 - sign up to be the first to know and benefit from early bird discounts on future courses!
NO MORE LAME EXCUSES! Our online courses are for conscientious horse owners and carers of shod or barefoot horses who want to learn to proactively care for their horses from the hooves up. They also provide CPD opportunities for equine professionals such as vets, farriers, trimmers, podiatrists, saddle fitters, instructors, trainers, nutritionists, saddle fitters, therapists, grooms and students.

Its easy to be confused by the array of advice given by other horse owners and even professionals - we can help you learn solid, usable, dependable information to solve your hoof related issues in a format everyone can understand!

About Our Courses
Our proactive, integrative approach to hoof care is unique and encompasses the entire horse, what influences their well-being and influence of the environment. We explore the incredible relationship between the horse and its environment and the influence we have on their resilience and longevity, their soundness and happiness.
This approach is reflected in the fresh and unique courses offered and is enhanced by the 31 years of training and experience Beccy has working in the industry including as an Equine Body Worker, saddle fitter, a Rehabilitation Centre owner/manager, a riding instructor, Energy healer,, therapists, Lazaris Nerve Release practitioner, and Integrative Equine Podiatrist. Beccy also helps horse people and incorporates Meditation with Horses, Equine Facilitated Learning and HeartMath coaching and with the help from the herd at Holistic Reflections CIC.
If you are a VIP MEMBER, you can access all our online courses for a 10% discount as well as 10% off our Online Consultations and mentorship opportunities and Educational Events. You also benefit from access to MEMBERS ONLY content.
Current & Future Courses

How to document the horses hoof & body like a PRO
In this FREE course you will learn how to document horses hooves and body like a PRO! This self-paced course is designed for horse owners and professionals, meaning anyone can become proficient in documenting - plus you can take your time or really dig in and learn what you need to, as quickly as you want to!
This course is also of particular interest to horse owners and professionals who are thinking of purchasing one of our mentorship programmes, and in particular; our on-line equine podiatry consults where quality photographs are required.
In this step by step course you will learn:
how to take the perfect photograph of your horses hoof and body
good practice in taking podiatry/balance radiographs
how images can be used to promote a PRO-Active and preventative approach to help create and maintain soundness and longevity in horses.
This course is now LIVE and accepting new participants!
PRO-Active Hoof Mapping for Lameness Prevention in Horses
This is a programme for the busy equine advocate or professional without any prior hoof or mapping knowledge, who wants to better understand horses hoof health and enjoy the benefits this provides.
Whether you’re looking to support your own horse, or seeking a career breakthrough with greater expertise and influence in your field, working with clients horses, this programme will help you achieve your fullest potential and impact as a PRO-Active equine advocate.
Master the art of mapping to recognise healthy hoof and posture ideals using popular evidence-based hoof mapping tool HoofmApp, objectivity track changes over time, and adopt a PRO-active approach proven in preventing and solving lameness issues in horses
As such, this course is designed for:
Horse owners, guardians, or keepers
Farriers, trimmers and equine podiatrists professionals
Livery managers, trainers, coaches and behaviourists
Physios, body workers of all descriptions
Nutritionists, healers and animal communicators
Dentists, saddlers, bitting and bridle fitters
Journalists, equine welfare officers, equine advocates and researchers
Vets, vet nurses and other equine health industry related professionals
In this programme, you will learn the secrets of people who evidence incredible improvements in horses using hoof and body mapping tools, including;​
Learn how to recognise healthy hoof and posture ideals for a PRO-active approach to prevent and solve lameness and performance issues in horses
Understand the power of evidence based modern podiatry and farriery in supporting optimum soundness in horses, holistically and objectively
Discover how to take a quality hoof and posture photo
Be empowered and gain confidence in tracking changes and making informed decisions when advocating for horses
Become proficient in using #1 hoof mapping app HoofmApp to quickly and easily map and assess a lateral hoof and posture photo
Learn how to use HoofmApp to create an accurate visual of the ideal hoof like a PRO
BONUS CONTENT to super boost your knowledge and understanding of the equine hoof and help you visualise a better future for the horses we all love!
Course attendees will be given the opportunity to join live community calls to ask Beccy any questions which arise
In this programme, there are 24 high quality lessons including 36 videos and all in an easy to understand format designed to super-boost your understanding of the equine hoof like never before. All delivered by leading integrative (body and hoof) equine podiatry rehab specialist and founder of Holistic Equine, Beccy Smith.
This course also provides guidance and insight into mapping the horses posture using the same hoof mapping tool used to map the hoof.
This course launched in February 2024 and is available for only £199 - we want as many people as possible to be able to access this unique and empowering information!

Learn to document, map & recognise if the hoof is 'ideal' or pathological hoof morphology (form and function) & feel empowered to make better decisions for horses

Become proficient in mapping the 'ideal' hoof, visualise where you're heading (& know why), track changes along the way, & feel confident in the choices you make for horses

Map the posture of the horse quickly & easily using the same mapping tool & learn what is healthy, what is considered pathological posture, and why

Track changes objectively to assess the quality of the intervention & feel assured of your choices as you advocate for your horses welfare, or those in your care

PRO-Active Hoof Scoring for lameness prevention in horses
Ideal for conscientious and responsible horse owners and carers of both shod are barefoot horses as well as equine professionals seeking CPD and enhancing their knowledge of responsive and pro-active PRO-Active Hoof and horse Care
This detailed online course builds on the knowledge of the previous course, and helps the equine advocate or equine professional
appreciate a horses capacity to perform, considering its age, size, breed, and the influence of its internal and external environment
to objectively assess a horse as to its suitability for work or any description. ​
recognise the ideal healthy posture and hoof shape (introduced in our PRO-Active Hoof Mapping course)
appreciate the impact of hoof and posture on the horse’s well-being and resilience
relate the hoof score to the horse’s usability for promotion of healthy ideals and prevention of injury
understand what hoof score is needed for levels of ridden or performance activities to protect the horse from disease, injury and even premature death
understand the impact of interventions to improve hoof scores
realise the importance of teamwork in maintaining and achieving ideal hoof scores
discover the value of appropriate environmental stimulus in maintaining and achieving ideal hoof scores
Course members will also be provided the opportunity to join in live community calls to ask Beccy any questions which arise.
Our courses are self-paced and you can take as much or as little time as you like to finish them.
This detailed online course is available to VIP members at 10% discount. Full cost £TBD
To learn about upcoming online courses, sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page.
PRO-Active Integrative Hoof Care for trimmers - Foundational course
This course builds on the knowledge gained from the Hoof Mapping and Hoof Scoring courses and these course must be taken first before applications are accepted for this course.
This course is suitable for anyone whop has already completed the first 2 courses in this PRO-Active series, including equine advocates and equine professionals.
It is ideally suited to anyone seeking to learn how to trim horses to help facilitate optimum hoof morphology as a professional hoof carer or non-professional trimmer
The information in this course includes practical application of the fundamentals already learned and includes:
a review of hoof mapping and hoof scoring
basic anatomy and physiology of the equine digit
compassionate horse handling and horse-led approach to trimming
unhealthy and healthy hoof morphology and whats involved in integrative rehab
step by step instructions on our PRO-Active approach to trimming to create or maintain healthy ideals when working alongside a rehab specialist
instructional videos and top tips on trimming the barefoot horse
limitations of reductive intervention (trimming) and recognising when additional support is warranted
working as a team in supporting the integrative (hoof and body) rehab of the horse
Course members will also be provided the opportunity to join live community calls to ask Beccy any questions which arise.
Our courses are self-paced and you can take as much or as little time as you like to finish them.
This detailed online course is available to VIP members at 10% discount, otherwise it will be £TBD.
To learn about upcoming online courses, sign up to learn about launch dates and live events