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Case Study - Tesoro - a PRE horse with a hoof score of 4/10 and how mapping supports his integrative rehab

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

What if you could better assess the consequence's of your actions or non-actions which might positively or negatively influence your horses resilience, well-being and longevity?

What does an empowered, informed decision even look like? In the modern crazy equine industry, it seems like owners and even professionals fall victim to the unhappy feelings brought about by un-met expectations.... promises that dont live up to their expectations...

What if I told you I can help you reduce the risks and arm you with information about hoof and posture mapping which could help you make more informed decisions. Isn't that what empowerment looks like? Don't we all want to make better choices and take a PRO-Active rather than a re-active approach when it comes to caring for the horses we all love and live for?

The question of what hoof parameters might constitute an increased risk of lameness in domestic horses has been asked, and answered,and are still being answered within the realms of modern podiatry and scientific research. There are many published papers documenting this and if you look at all the evidence, and study not only the hoof, but the whole horse like I and other like me already have and do, it becomes clear that the average or typical hoof shape in the UK (and in many other countries) doesnt fit the parameters of what constitutes ideal or healthy.

I have discussed this in depth and provided evidence of the seemingly positive changes when horses appear to develop and maintain what modern science might call a 'healthy hoof morphology' and posture in our Facebook page Holistic Equine ( and in our blog posts and videos.

I have discussed hoof morphology and balance with leaders in the industry and my understanding of what constitutes ideal or healthy morphology for the individual hoof, in the individual horse, in that horses perfectly individual and every changing environment and set of circumstances, is outlined in a brand new course I just launched....

I may change my mind of course, I often do, it's what many clients love about me - I observe, I document, I study, I learn and I expand my knowledge in accordance to what my teachers, the horses, can teach me. But for now, I have poured my current knowledge and wisdom into a comprehensive online programme called PRO-Active Hoof Mapping for Lameness Prevention in Horses.

In this course, I utilise my favourite hoof and posture mapping tool, HoofmApp and share with you my secret powers in recognising problems and solutions in horses with less than ideal hoof morphology and posture (mmm... probably most horses might fall into this bucket sadly?...) with anyone willing to take this journey with me.

No one can claim to ever categorically prevent lameness in another being, common sense dictates this can't ever be true, but the science points to hoof morphology and balance parameters which are either associated with manifestation of lameness, or soundness, and I would rather lean on the promotion of soundness end of the stick when it comes to working professionally with horses and sleep easy at night knowing I have done my very best at the time to support lasting well-being in horses.

Believe me when I say, I want you all to succeed. And success to me is a healthy, sound human and horse in mind, body, (hoof) and spirit!

Here is a link where you can learn all about the new course, launched on the 14th February 2024, Valentines day of all days! I didn't plan it, I promise - but it feels rather apt, given I have poured my heart into this quest to empower horses owners and equine professionals to also foster a PRO-Active approach to promoting and maintaining soundness in horses...

To whet your appetite, here is a Case Study featured in the course where I think you would agree - when you apply objectivity, common sense and a dash of science, in a PRO-Active whole horse focused approach to hoof care, and support healthy posture; horses benefit, and so do their owners too!

This lesson appears at the end of the course, where you will already know what the parameters mean, so please don't feel that this appears to be too complicated for you, because I promise you, it isn't if you attend the programme, and if you need extra support, there is information in the course on how to access this, including live community calls which will be recorded and available only to course attendees.

You cannot risk winning if you don't also risk losing, but trust me, you have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain by attending this incredible self study programme, designed just.... for.... you.

This course is currently on offer for £199, and the price will increase to £395 very soon. For 10% off this course and additional educational resources including webinar recordings, videos and blog articles only, consider our VIP Membership available for only £22/month (only available as a 3 months subscription).

Additional resources and assistance

We take an integrative and holistic approach to whole horse hoof and body health. We appreciate the relationship between body, limb and hoof and seek to address imbalances while positively influencing appropriate static and dynamic hoof balance and biomechanics.

We also recommend you learn how to document horses hooves and body using this FREE self study online course, whether you trim your own, your clients horses, are an equine professional (in any capacity/field) or simply want to track and monitor progress of your horses hooves and the impact their hoof care has on their posture.

Please feel free to browse our services and reach out for assistance, in person or on-line (subject to availability).

Please browse our most popular online services below, feel free to share, ask questions or reach out for further support!


Beccy Smith BSc ADAEP EBW

Diploma in Advanced Applied Equine Podiatry and now an Independent Integrative Equine Podiatrist, Consultant and Therapist. Certified Lazaris Nerve Release TM Practitioner

CEO and Founder of 100% Non-Profit Community Interest Company Holistic Reflections CIC

Holistic Reflections CIC – a 100% non-profit organisation promoting wellbeing and resilience in people, horses and the environment - for the benefit of all.


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