VIP Membership content
Join Beccy Smith, and fellow equine professional body worker Grace Ednie from Canada in this 1 hour 45 mins online equine podiatry consult featuring 8 year old ex racehorse gelding Chequers with high/low asymmetrical hooves and other challenges common in off the track thoroughbred horses.

Grace describes Chequers as having "vey long toes and low/collapsed heels all round as well as very thin soles and the low front right foot was especially flat". She also admitted that "any progress we make from bodywork does not hold... and I think he is trapped in a negative feedback loop from his feet"...
As an equine professional body worker, Grace was aware she needed to help correct his hoof balance and tried 'remedial' shoes in the past. While this helped his comfort levels by helping him develop some sole depth, it didn't correct the balance. So Chequers has been barefoot in the past year, and Graces farrier Ali (who joined us in the consult) has been trimming every 3 weeks to try and reduce his toe length and improve his hoof health and comfort levels.
Grace provided radiographs from 2022 and I was able to use the information in these to provide more accurate information on his current the palmar and plantar P3 angles. While Chequers posture, development and hoof morphology and balance has improved since Grace has cared for him in the past 3 years, I feel there might be options to improve his overall well-being through an integrative approach aimed at promoting healthy neuro-muscular health, hoof morphology and balance, as well as healthy posture and development.

Webinar content
Join us in this recording of a real life online consult where Beccy will share her knowledge on
Detailed assessment of a 8 year old OTTB gelding with less than ideal hoof morphology and posture
Review of the scientific evidence relating to hoof balance, posture and lameness risks
Review of what constitutes healthy hoof morphology, balance, posture and why
A detailed assessment of the HoofmApp mark ups on both hoof photos and radiographs, and what they mean for this horse
How to use lateral radiographs to assess palmar and plantar P3 angles in the future
What trimming approach is recommended to restore healthy morphology and why
What other integrative measures might be considered during rehab and why
Booting and shoeing intervention options discussed for the current and predicted future environment focusing on safety and comfort as a priority
Top tips throughout to help promote healthy horses from the hoof, up, from Beccy AND Grace!
Grace plans to get new radiographs top ensure Ali her farrier has all the facts at had to optimise his hoof care. We are excited to support Grace, Ali, and of course Chequers, and look forward to learning more about this next part of their journey!
You can learn more about Grace by following Grace on instagram: @graceednie.eq
Who is this webinar for?
This educational and informational webinar is suitable for anyone interested in horse care and welfare, including horse owners, students and industry professionals (vets, farriers, trimmers, podiatrists, physios, therapists, saddle fitters, dentists, trainers, breeders, scientists and grooms/managers, etc).
If, like Grace, you want to learn how to assess, map, trim and help horses like Chequers regain and maintain feelings of safety and comfort for optimum well-being, resilience and longevity, I recommend joining our VIP subscription membership where you can access videos like this, live webinars and recordings, discounted in-person events and much more, to help you on your path. You can also book online consults, in-person consults (subject to availability), mark up service, and mentorship by the hour, half and full day (which can be shared with friends and tailored to your individual need).
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I hope you are able to gain some valuable insight into how you might rehab and help prevent lameness in the horses you care for or work with!