All members of our website can now collect loyalty points and turn them into rewards with up to 10% discounts off products, services an events!
In addition, Relyne GI and your favourite Ron Fields Nutrition supplements can now be purchased on monthly subscription, saving you 10% at checkout!
Loyalty rewards - earn points and turn them into rewards
To start collecting points, first, become a member of our site (which gets you 20 points), then earn more points by joining a plan, RSVP or buy a ticket to an event, purchase a product from our online shop, book an online consult with Beccy.
Rewards can be redeemed for discounts off shop products, event tickets and online consults with Beccy.
Save 10% off Relyne with monthly subscriptions
Save almost £31 per bottle on Relyne GI 3.8L and every month and £13.50 per 1.9l bottle every month, for as long as you like!*
Choose to purchase either a 1.9 or a 3.8 litre bottle every month or every month, depending on the dose required and the number of horses you have.
Need more Relyne GI than 3.8 litres a month? No problem! If you have more horses, let us know and we we add more subscription plans to suite you individual needs!
*Minimum subscription term of 3 months for either size bottle.
Save up to 10% off your favourite Ron Fields Nutrition Products
Your favourite Ron Fields nutrition supplements are now available to purchase on subscriptions - browse our special offers & subscriptions category to learn more!
Want additional support?
We take an integrative and holistic approach to whole horse hoof and body health. We appreciate the relationship between body, limb and hoof and seek to address imbalances while positively influencing appropriate static and dynamic hoof balance and biomechanics.
If, like our clients, you want to learn a PRO-Active approach to hoof care and wish to prevent lameness in your horse, consider booking us for an Integrative Podiatry Consult, join our academy for on-line courses, events and mentorship opportunities or join our new VIP membership where you can learn top tips straight from an expert!
Please feel free to share, ask questions or reach out for further support! Happy documenting :-)
Beccy Smith BSc ADAEP EBW
Diploma in Advanced Applied Equine Podiatry and Independent Equine Podiatrist, Consultant and Therapist
CEO and Founder of 100% Non-Profit Community Interest Company Holistic Reflections CIC
Holistic Reflections CIC – a 100% non-profit organisation promoting wellbeing and resilience in people, horses and the environment - for the benefit of all.