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Webinar recording & 53 page e-book: How to Document Horses Hooves & Posture

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Join Beccy Smith, founder and CEO of Holistic Equine in this comprehensive and fascinating webinar all about documenting hooves and horses.

Documenting accurately and consistently helps with understanding hoof morphology and posture of the horse, and this helps us appreciate soundness and balance. Documenting helps empower owners and professionals by facilitating objective assessment and tracking of changes - for promoting soundness and preventing lameness in horses.

The value of documenting in a pro-active and preventative approach to horse care, is now becoming firmly established in modern podiatry, farriery and veterinary science. And now you can learn this too!

Let me help you document like a pro with this educational webinar featuring:

* What is documenting, who should be doing it and why

* Preparation for documenting the hoof and horse

* How to document the hoof

* How to document the posture

* How to take podiatry/farriery balance radiographs

* Introduction to HoofmApp mapping tool

* Common mistakes made

* Top tips for successful documenting

* Examples of documenting in action

* Next steps in learning to map both hoof and posture

There are interesting Q and A’s at the end too!

Who is this webinar for?

This educational and informational webinar is suitable for anyone interested in horse care and welfare, including horse owners, students and industry professionals (vets, vet nurses, farriers, trimmers, podiatrists, physios, therapists, saddle fitters, dentists, trainers, breeders, scientists and grooms/managers, students, etc)

Length of webinar recording: 2 hours 20 mins

This was recorded at a FREE/pay what you want live webinar. Income from payments received from the live webinar and sale of resources helps up to continue to deliver our non-profit aims, and ensures we bring powerful information like this to as many people as possible in the future. Anyone who signed up live also received a FREE downloadable e-book by email.

To learn about more about our aims, educational events and services, please subscribe to our newsletter below:

Here are some images from the webinar:

How to watch the webinar recording and access the documenting e-book

  1. This video and e-book is accessible to VIP Members via subscription

VIP members can simply log in to the site as a VIP member and VIP only resources will be viewable in the blog articles section here. Locate this article and simply scroll down and you will see the video and e-book at the end of the article below.

  1. Or, you can purchase the video and 53 page e-book for only £25.00 at our online store - simply follow the instruction in the email you will receive after purchase to watch the video and download the e-book.

  1. Or, you can purchase the video without the PDF guide in our video library:

I hope you are able to gain some valuable insight into how you might prevent injury and lameness in the horses you care for or work with the help of accurate and consistent documenting!

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