Where are we?
We try to be flexible and responsive to meet the ever changing needs of our customers. Beccy frequently travels around the UK supporting owners in facilitating optimum hoof and body balance in their horses.
On this page you can learn where Beccy is planing to travel and you can contact us to register your interest for any of our services or events in your region. If your region is not currently listed, please contact us and we will add your region and preferred dates to this list.
Please note: Beccy can see clients too and from Cumbria, CA22 2PJ and at times, her Hull base, HU2 0PZ en-route to and from these locations.
Please note, our inbox is not monitored 24/7 as our staff may be out of the office, helping people and horses.We will do our very best to get back to you as soon as we are able.
​We see clients and their horse all over the UK from Fort William and Dundee in Scotland, to Newcastle, top East Wales and as far as Kent in the South East of England! Feel free to make an inquiry as we may have an in-person appointment or 2 available at any time!
We are almost at full capacity for regular equine podiatry and nerve release clients however we invite you for an online consultation in the first instance so you don't have to wait longer than a couple of weeks typically before you can receive our assistance.
Please contact us below to request a visit and include as much detail as possible OR complete our online inquiry form to request online consultation, as we have availability for these typically within 1-3 weeks waiting time

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Holistic Equine Contact Details
CA22 2PJ
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